Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Smilodon King

This piece was done for an art contest in one of the galleries I hang about. The subject was Global Warming and the effect it might have on the events of TLK and such. I have heard rumours of an ice age being the result of GW, so I decided to make Simba and Nala Smilodons and threw in some mammoths for the IJCWTBK number. The mammoths irk me, I feel that if I had just taken the time to line them by hand I might have been able to color them better. Still, I rather like the background and Simba and Nala came out

School is not a very jolly good time. Still, things are looking better than they did Sophomore year....not that that is saying much....


Anonymous said...

Dille! You've told me before that you don't quite dig the mammoths, but to me the whole peice is excellent. It does a really good job of communicating the issues of global warming/pending ice ages by the way the lions are warm and bold in the foreground (rep. gw) and the mammoths are lurking in the background yet fastly approaching (ice colors=ice, yo!). I'm sure you did that on purpose though...


oh well! i still think it's quite awesome!

xoxo , april

KarinAshelia said...

Hello, Dille ^^
I'm LeoKitsune from TLKFAA and Axelrikusora from DA. Do u have yer gallery on DA? :)